Are the visible signs of aging starting to catch up with you? If fine lines and wrinkles are making you feel self-conscious of your appearance, then it’s time to find a cosmetic treatment that can correct these concerns. At Rejuvené MD in El Paso, TX, we know that neuromodulators like Jeuveau can be an excellent way to rejuvenate your skin, reduce wrinkles, and ultimately help you appear more youthful.
How Do You Get Rid of Frown Lines? Discover Jeuveau
Right now, neuromodulators like Jeuveau are one of the most popular ways to relax the facial muscles that contribute to the development of wrinkles and deep dynamic lines on the face. The way a neuromodulator works is by targeting tense muscles in the face. With a single injection, these muscles will be relaxed, which then smoothes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles associated with facial expressions.
Jeuveau is a highly advanced neuromodulator that provides safe and comfortable results that will appear natural. Each of your injections will be made into isolated muscles so you can rest easy knowing your results will be beautiful. And the best part about this treatment? Zero downtime and long-lasting results.
What Is Your Treatment Like?
This injectable treatment is completely painless. Small, thin needles are used for your injections, and your skin will be prepared with a topical numbing cream so your treatment will be comfortable. Each of your injections will be carefully planned so you can enjoy natural-looking results. We focus on giving you the most precise treatment possible so your results will develop as desired.
The first part of your treatment will include cleansing and sterilizing the treatment area. Then, the botulinum protein A formula will be injected into various muscles, usually the most overworked muscles in the face, such as on the forehead. Once your injections are complete, your appointment will be finished. Most people can complete an appointment within 30 minutes.
How Does This Neuromodulator Work?
A neuromodulator works by blocking the communication between the brain and the muscles on the face. Specifically, neuromodulators block the transmission of signals from motor neurons connected to the muscles. In other words, the signals sent by your brain to move certain muscles in the face to form expressions will be blocked.
When the muscles in the face are relaxed and no longer as responsive to movement signals, the wrinkles on your face will also appear smooth. This is especially true for dynamic wrinkles or wrinkles that are formed from natural movement and facial expressions.
Where Can You Use This Treatment?
Unlike some other neuromodulators, the application for this treatment is a bit more diverse. You can use this treatment to correct visible signs of aging on multiple regions of the face, including:
- Forehead
- Area between the brows
- Eye area
- Nose and mouth area
- Jowls
In particular, this treatment is most promising for the treatment of glabellar lines, or the verticle wrinkles between the eyebrows that are formed by frowning. Because frown lines on the forehead tend to form on people who are stressed or anxious frequently, this treatment can be immensely helpful for erasing these signs of stress. After your treatment, your face will appear smooth and young – and you will look much more at ease.
Will You Need a Recovery Period?
No, you will not need any recovery period after this treatment. In fact, this is one of the bigger benefits of this treatment. After your appointment is complete, you will be able to return to your normal daily activities. However, you will need to follow a few aftercare instructions so your results develop as desired. For example, we may give you instructions on how to use cold compresses, the best way to sleep, and activities to avoid for the first few days.
How Soon Will You See Results?
Most people are happy to see the results of this treatment within a few days of their treatment. After about five to seven days, you will be able to see the most visible results of your treatment. These results will last for about three to six months for the vast majority of patients, which is around the time when you will need to schedule a follow-up appointment.
Can You Extend Your Results?
Yes, you can absolutely extend your results with methods like proper skin care and other treatments. The right combination will be able to enhance or extend the results of a neuromodulator. But there may also be other factors that will affect how long your results last.
For example, some people have higher metabolisms that may break down the neuromodulator more quickly. People who have greater muscle mass may require additional units to get the same results as other people. The location of the treatment and your general sensitivity to the neuromodulator may also affect the longevity of your results.
Can This Treatment Be Used for All Wrinkles?
While injectable neuromodulators can generally be used to smooth most types of wrinkles, the wrinkles you are treating may affect how well this treatment will work for you. For example, neuromodulators are most effective for dynamic wrinkles, which develop over time as you make repetitive facial expressions, usually around the eyes, mouth, and forehead.
Static wrinkles, on the other hand, are formed by the depletion of collagen in the sub-dermal layers of the skin, which eventually leads to skin laxity and wrinkle development. Static wrinkles tend to respond better to dermal fillers.
Why Is This Treatment Unique?
Neuromodulators are formulated to diminish the appearance of dynamic wrinkles by momentarily paralyzing the muscles in the face that are causing wrinkles to develop. Jeuveau uses a highly concentrated purified form of botulinum protein A. The purity of this ingredient makes the injectable particularly effective for the treatment of deeper wrinkles.
Minimizing the appearance of wrinkles is a highly effective way to achieve smoother, younger-looking skin. You can effectively take five or more years off your appearance when you use a neuromodulator. And because the treatment is so quick and easy, the 30-minute appointments are a good option for anyone who has a busy schedule.
Will This Injectable Freeze or Numb Your Skin?
There is a common misconception that using a neuromodulator will make your face freeze or feel numb. This misconception is derived from misunderstanding the way a neurotoxin treatment works. Jeuveau and other neuromodulators work by targeting motor neurons, and while this may cause the muscles in your face to relax and become unresponsive to moment signals, your face will not appear frozen or stiff.
Similarly, neuromodulators will only affect motor neurons, which means the sensory neurons that communicate sensation to your skin will not be affected. You will still be able to feel your face after your treatment.
What’s the Best Way to Get the Best Results?
It’s important to remember that your neuromodulator treatment will only last for three to five months. While temporary, the results of this treatment can be incredibly beneficial to your overall appearance. There are several things you can do to ensure that you get the best and most continuous results, including:
- Attend maintenance appointments
- Use quality skincare products
- Avoid unprotected sun exposure
- Use sunscreen and moisturizers
By far, the best method to enjoy the best results is to attend each of your regular maintenance appointments. Attending touch-up appointments every three to five months will keep the results of your treatment continuous and avoid the formation of “rebound wrinkles”. Additionally, avoiding unprotected sunlight and wearing SPF as directed are also methods you can use to slow the aging process and extend the life of your results.
How Many Treatments Are Necessary?
For most people, a single treatment is enough to produce your desired results. However, because the results of this treatment are temporary, you will need to get your touch-up injections regularly so you can enjoy longer results. Truth be told, your treatments will continue for as long as you want to relax the appearance of unwanted wrinkles.
However, there is an upside to these regular appointments. The more frequently you use a neuromodulator, the better you will be able to train tense muscles to remain relaxed, which eventually leads to results that may last longer.
What Is the Best Age for This Treatment?
Like most other neuromodulators, there is no best age for treatment. As long as you have mild to moderate visible signs of aging, then you are likely qualified to receive this treatment. Most people who use neuromodulator injectables tend to be between the ages of 30 and 40, although many younger and older people may use this treatment.
In particular, it’s becoming more common for younger people to use this treatment as a way to prevent the eventual development of fine lines and wrinkles. By using this treatment earlier, you may be able to thwart the aging process.
Is Jeuveau Better Than Botox?
Botox is the most popular neuromodulator in the world, but there are many other similar competitors, including Jeuveau. The truth is that there is only a very slight difference between the formulas for these injectable treatments, and each treatment is considered safe and effective for the treatment of dynamic wrinkles.
The right treatment for you will be determined by where you want to use this treatment, the condition of your skin, and your desired treatment outcome. For most people, these treatments are considered on par with each other.
Who Are Good Candidates?
Good candidates for neuromodulators include those who do not have any allergies to botulinum toxins or proteins and people who are not pregnant or breastfeeding. Ideal candidates include both women and men who want to appear younger, smooth fine lines, and relax the appearance of dynamic wrinkles.
If you have never used this treatment or similar treatments before, then you may need to complete an allergy test before your first appointment. In general, a consultation appointment will be able to determine if you are eligible for this treatment.
Enjoy Younger-Looking Skin Today
The natural aging process happens to everyone, but that doesn’t mean any of us are happy with the development of fine lines or wrinkles. When dynamic wrinkles form on the face, they can be very deep and cause us to feel self-conscious about our appearance. Fortunately, neuromodulators like Jeuveau are here to smooth the appearance of these wrinkles so you can look younger and healthier.
If you believe this neuromodulator is a good choice for your aesthetic concerns, please contact Rejuvené MD in El Paso, TX today to schedule your consultation appointment. Our compassionate staff is ready to work with you to build a treatment plan that will help you accomplish all of your aesthetic goals.